Changing Places Case Study: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
What was the nature of the work?
The National Maritime Museum wanted to invest in a project which would break down the barriers that disabled visitors might face, and become a public attraction that is all-inclusive to everyone; hence the positive idea to install a Changing Places facility. The Museum sought the help of the Kingkraft team to redesign an existing room within the museum. Specialist equipment was installed to achieve a facility which fully adheres to Changing Place specifications.
What was the strategic driver to add the Changing Places Facility?
As a venue which is always keen to fulfill a ‘socially responsible’ aspect to its work, the Museum wanted to know that they were doing all they could to meet the needs of all visitors, including those with disabilities. The museum had been eager for some time to ensure that the public attraction is fully welcoming to all members of the public, ensuring that they feel comfortable and know that the museum can provide any and all required facilities.
The Museum learnt about the number of successful Changing Places that Kingkraft had already helped to install across England; and of the vast benefits that the facilities achieve for customers and businesses as a result. They wanted to welcome families from the disabled community to enjoy a visit without restrictions and barriers, allowing the whole family to enjoy their time and spend longer at the Museum. As many venues recognise, they knew that a Changing Places facility could help meet the needs of disabled visitors by providing specialist facilities for safe and comfortable toileting and changing; opening up accessibility to the Museum for all.

What did you do to make the site more accessible?
The National Maritime Museum wanted to become a venue that provides equal accessibility to all visitors. As a respected venue that cares, they were keen to do all they could to maximise their facilities and be recognised as a disability-friendly venue.
With the help of the Kingkraft team, the venue successfully installed a superb Changing Places facility which provides specialist changing and toileting facilities that promote dignity, privacy and comfort for disabled visitors. The facility includes equipment such as a ceiling-track hoist, a height-adjustable changing table, a height-adjustable wash basin and a peninsular toilet.
By installing a Changing Places facility which fully adheres to all official Changing Place specifications, the Museum now features on the Changing Places Venue Listing Map, and is much more likely to be visited and enjoyed by the disabled community. The Changing Place facility has further unlocked a new customer base for the attraction, as well as the potential revenue that can be achieved from making a venue disability-friendly.
What were the challenges to making the site accessible and how were they overcome?
The main challenge for the Museum’s installation was deciding the location for the Changing Place in order to ensure that it adhered to all requirements necessary to be an official Changing Place. A Changing Place facility must be a minimum room area of 3m x 4m, and with space being a premium within such a venue, the location needed to be well considered.
It was decided that a pre-existing room, previously used as a First Aid room, would be ideal for the installation. This ensured that all required specifications were met, whilst ensuring that the Changing Places facilities were in the best location to make the most effective impact for disabled visitors. The chosen room was located centrally within the Museum, close to the restaurant facilities, ensuring good and convenient accessibility.
What was the impact on customers or employees?
The Changing Place facility is a recent addition to the museum and was installed during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown restrictions. Hence, the museum employees were very excited to open their doors to the public once again, with the added benefit of appealing to an even wider customer base as a disability-friendly public attraction. The venue is delighted to have reopened and are proud to be able to provide a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience inclusive to all disabled visitors.
What are the stand-out points about this Changing Places installation?
The Changing Place project involved extensive installation of a variety of specialist equipment, including a room-cover system hoist, height adjustable changing bed and wash basin, and a peninsular toilet. Electric and plumbing works were also required. All of this was achieved within the existing space, and they are delighted with the project and its completion to a very high standard.
The installation of the Changing Place facility was a particularly positive achievement to emerge the other side of lockdown with. The Museum has now proudly landed its pin on the Changing Places Venue Listing Map and looks forward to welcoming more of the disabled community to visit and enjoy.
Feedback from the Museum…
Raymond Flanagan (Facilities Manager, National Maritime Museum)
Contact Us for Free Advice on Changing Places Toilet Facilities
If you require more information about how Kingkraft can help you with your next Changing Places project, simply get in touch with us by emailing: Alternately, speak with to a member of the team on 0114 269 0697.